LL.M. in Franco-German & European
Business Law (2d year in work/study programme)

Possibility of doing an apprenticeship or a professional training contract in 2d year


The LL.M. in Franco–German and European Business Law is taught in French, in German and in English. During the two years of the programme – the first on the campus of the Faculty of Law of the University of Passau in Germany and the second on the Issy-les-Moulineaux campus of the Faculty of Law of the UCL – students specialise on various topics in Business Law, in French, German and European legal spheres.

Accredited diploma in cooperation with Toulouse 1 Capitole University :
“Master in Law, Economics and Management
– mention European Law
– European Jurist type course
– General European Law programme

Training location :

  • Master 1 / LL.M. 1 : Passau Universität, Germany.
  • Master 2 / LL.M. 2 : Issy-les-Moulineaux Campus, Faculty of Law (FLD), France.


In partnership with the University of Passau in Germany and in agreement with the University of Toulouse I Capitole


  • Holder of LL.B. / Bachelor in Law
  • B2 English and German levels (consulter la Common European Framework)
  • Application file + interview in English and German


Programme covering the main topics of business law in France, Germany, and at the European level (Commercial Law, European Antitrust Law, Corporate Law, European Competition Law, Contract Law, International and European Mergers & Acquisitions Law…).

Additional training in a company or in a law firm (work/study programme : “Alternance” in French), part of the final mark.

Training to legal activities of companies, public institutions and Franco–German and European law firms.

1st year Master

The courses are taught by academics, visiting professors and professionals of the targeted sectors in French, German or English.
*** : Courses to be followed in the second semester

Required courses module
+ Handelsrecht (business law)
+ Europe and Franco-German relations
+ Recht der Kapitalgesellschaften mit europarechtlichen Bezügen (corporate law + EU regulation)

European Law module
(choose 2 courses)
+ VHB: European trade and investment policy & external trade law
+ Europäisches Wirtschaftsrecht (European Business Law)
+ EU Anti-Trust Law
+ European Business Law
+ Vertiefung des Rechts der Personen und Kapitalgesellschaften mit europarechtlichen Bezügen (Etude approf. du dt des sociétés + règlementation europ.)
+ EU State aid law
+ Europäisches und internationales Arbeitsrecht (dt du travail européen et internat.)

International Law module
(choose 1 course)
+ Recht der internationalen Handelsgeschäfte I : Kollisionsrechtliche Grundlagen und CISG (dt des transactions internat. I : principes des conflits de loi et CVIM) ***
+ European and international monetary law ***
+ World trade law – Welthandelsrecht
+ Internationales und Europäisches Steuerrecht (dt fisc I&E)
+ Recht der internationalen Handelsgeschäfte II &III: Besondere Geschäftstypen (dt des transactions internat II&III: / contrats particulières)
+ Internationales privates Wirtschaftsrecht (dt internat privé des affaires)
+ European and international monetary law

National Rights Module
+ Contract law
+ VHB : Wirtschaftsverfassungs- und Wirtschaftsverfassungsrecht (dt administratif éco & dt constit éco) ***
+ Arbeitsrecht (Individualarbeitsrecht) (labour law – individual)
+ Personengesellschaftrecht und Grundzüge des GmbH-Rechts (partnership law and the main principles of SAs)
+ Kapitalmarktrecht (capital markets law)
+ Lauterkeitsrecht (competition law)
+ Wirtschaftsrechtliche Verfahren (procédure/ dt commercial)
+ Alternative Streitbeilegung (règlement alternatif des conflits)
+ Kartellrecht (dt des monopoles / dt antitrust)
+ Wirtschaftsstrafrecht (criminalité col blanc)

(2 to be chosen)
+ Legal German and oral expression (foreign language)
+ French legal and oral expression (foreign language)
+ Legal English

Work assignment in a company
(2 months)
+ Evaluation / professionnalisation

2nd year Master

The courses are taught by academics, visiting professors and professionals of the targeted sectors in French, German or English.
*** : Courses to be followed in the second semester

Languages and legal knowledge
(2 to be chosen)
+ German (+ legal culture) as a foreign language
+ French (+ legal culture) as a foreign language
+ English (+ legal culture)

Fundamental courses module
+ European Competition Law + TD
+ French Security Law
+ French Law of Obligations
+ Europe and Franco-German relations
+ Schuldrecht (German law of obligations)

European Law module
+ European Business Litigation
+ European social law
+ Applicability of European private law
+ International and European Mergers & Acquisitions Law

Comparative French/German Law
+ Comparative criminal business law
+ Business Litigation
+ Gesellschaftsrecht – French Company Law
+ Comparative Intellectual Property
+ Comparative Business Tax Law
+ International arbitration

National Rights Module
+ Private international law
+ Choice of :
• Competition law
• International arbitration ***
+ Bürgschaftsrecht (German security law)
+ Collective proceedings

(2 to be chosen)
+ Legal German and oral expression (foreign language)
+ French legal and oral expression (foreign language)
+ Legal English

Work assignment in a company
+ Evaluation / professionnalisation



  • One year of legal training in each country (Faculty of Law of Passau, Germany, then Faculty of Law at UCL, Issy-les-Moulineaux campus near Paris in France)
  • Advanced language and legal culture courses
  • Issuance of a certificate of recognition of study (“Leistungsanerkennung”) by the Faculty of Law in Passau at the end of the first year of the Master’s programme
  • Theoretical training supplemented by professional experience in a company or a law firm (work-study programme)
  • Courses taught in French, German and English by professors from the Faculty or visiting professors


  • Internationalisation of the work-study programme (the activity in the company takes place in the country where the year of study takes place) supported by l’Ecole de l’alternance du droit and the Career Center of both faculties
  • Meetings with legal practitioners, some particularly technical courses will also be taught by practitioners
  • Meeting with law professionals in the second year of the Master’s programme as part of the International Job Dating & Careers organised by the FLD
  • Individual help for your professional and student projects

Jobs & Careers / Study opportunities

  • A work/study programme (a professional LL.M. – “master en alternance” in French) offering to students the advantages of a salary and financing the efes of the programme.
  • Professional experience that well prepares students to their future international career and increases their placement rate.
  • An opportunity for German students having passed their first state exam (“Erste juristische Staatsprüfung”) to integrate directly the second year of
    LL.M.(Master) on the Issy-les-Moulineaux campus of the Faculty of Law.
  • Access to the French bar exam at the end of the LL.M (Master).
  • An education preparing students to be lawyer in a law firm, legal adviser in a company, employee in Franco–German, European or international institutions…


FLD experience

L’Allemagne et la France constituent les premiers partenaires économiques en Europe. Cela explique que le marché de l’emploi franco-allemand est particulièrement dynamique. Les statistiques révèlent que plusieurs milliers d’emplois sont créés chaque année par les entreprises du pays partenaire. L’offre d’emplois qualifiés assure donc de très nombreux débouchés dans le domaine juridique, surtout pour des étudiants formés à la maîtrise autant les deux cultures juridiques que les deux univers linguistiques…

Application & tuition fees

Application procedure

  • Application procedures are available HERE


  • Estimate your scholarship cost with our simulator & Financial helps are available  HERE

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