The C3RD Research Centre

The C3RD is the Research Centre on the Relations between Risks and Law, of the Faculty of Law of the Université Catholique de Lille. It was created in 2006 and counts almost 40 professors and researchers from the Faculty who coordinate their research activities within their areas of expertise.

The C3RD is both multidisciplinary (public law, private law, international law, history of law, political science, economics) and transversal (human rights, sustainable development, enterprise, new technologies, health, religion…).

The C3RD has a few keywords concerning the relationship between risk and law and that are at the heart of the center’s priority: Legal security, safety, prudence, compensation, responsibility.

Research domains

C3RD aims to achieve its goals by structuring its members’ research around two principal axes:

  • risks managed by the law (emerging risks, transfer of rights’ generators)
  • risques created by law (transfer of rights, new risks’ generators)

By its own definition, risk reveals itself to be a polysemous concept. Result of a danger -or a hazard- and of vulnerability. It conveys an incidence of rupture that swings between an active approach founded on the risks taken and a passive approach founded on risks undergone.

On the other hand, law provides the set of rules that regulate interactions in a given society or population. In this way, law brings us back to the control of time and space. Notions of risk and law can be seen prima facie to be mutually exclusive. However, in reality this is not evident as risk and law are in constant interaction with each other.


With a strong desire to be at the very heart of the great questions of society, the C3RD structures its research in line with current events and society themes such as :

Ringing the alarm bell

  • Whistleblowing and professional ethics in the public sector (01/02/2016)
  • Whistleblowing and professional ethics in the private sector (forthcoming)
  • Professional whistleblowers (forthcoming)
  • Work in progress on whistleblowing. Co-directed by Delphine POLLET-PANOUSSIS et Mathieu DISANT, LGDJ (publication by members of the C3RD and other contributors both French and from other countries)

Homeland and international security

  • « Justice facing terrorism and its national and international risks»
  • « Prevention of terrorism »
  • « The role of the judge »
  • « Ways and means in the fight against organized crime and terrorism »

Conferences and debates between January and March 2017

Vulnerable people (children, prisoners and refugees…)

  • Audition of the child in the family court, official launch of project 1st Octobre 2016 coordinated by Blandine MALLEVAEY, supported by GIP Justice Cooperation Internationale ( International Judicial Cooperation) Recruitment : 2 research assistants to help with this project.
  • Cycle of research on « Child Protection» : Inaugural Conference , by Monsieur Jean-René LECERF, président of Conseil Départemental du Nord, 18th November 2016 and study day: « Law of 14th March 2016 : reinforcing child protection »

Emerging risks (sanitary, environmental, new technologies …)

Artificial intelligence: What Future for Jurists? A few months ago a robot lawyer was hired by an American law firm. More recently, a young Englishman created an intelligent programme that allows motorists to cancel parking tickets. New technologies now allow us to carry out and fulfill certain judicial tasks.

In partnership with Association Française des Juristes d’Entreprise (AFJE) and Cabinet d’avocats Cornet Vincent Segurel (CVS)

C3RD includes 2 structured entities :
The International and European Law School (IELS)
The Teaching and research chair of Rights and interests of Children

International / Research

Masterclass Global Actors for Peace: collective reflection on the challenges of climate change

From 16 to 20 September, the Faculty of Law of the Université Catholique de Lille…

International / Research

Digital Echoes, a podcast on international law & technologies

The FLD and the Amsterdam Centre for International Law organised a series of conferences:…

Issy-les-Moulineaux / Research

An exhibition, a meeting, paintings, law…

On October 11, the Ottawa Art Gallery will be hosting an artistic journey devoted to…