Campus France – “Etudes en France” procedure
You have decided to study in France, at the Faculty of Law of the Université Catholique de Lille? Here’s where to start!
“Etudes en France” procedure – Campus France:
The “Etudes en France” (Studying in France) procedure is the reference to access higher education in France. Students living in one of the countries affected by this procedure must make a specific request to enroll in our Faculty. The “Etudes en France” platform is completely online and manages all of the enrolment procedures up until the VISA request. Just create a private electronic file and follow the instructions!
The different steps:
1. If you are living in a country affected by the “Etudes en France” procedure and…
- You are preparing a French or European Baccalauréat/A-levels: you must enter your academic choices on the Parcoursup platform and follow the steps of the “Etudes en France” process.
- You are preparing another degree course (garanting access to higher education): you must make a “Demande d’Admission Préalable – DAP” (Preliminary Admission Request) and follow the “Etudes en France” procedure.
2. Particular circumstances: you have the nationality of a country from the European Union or Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Andorra or Monaco (for instance, if you are living in Senegal but have the German nationality): you only need to enter your academic choices on the Parcoursup platform.
For students who are part of Campus France’s “Etudes en France” procedure and wish to apply for a Licence 1, Licence 2, Licence 3, Master 1 ou Master 2 degree:
1. DAP- Demande d’Admission Préalable (Preliminary Admission Request) on the “Etudes en France” platform, under the name “Université Catholique de Lille – Faculté de Droit”.
- Registrations open on 1st October 2024
- Registrations close on 15 December 2024
2. Apply alongside on the Faculty’s platform.
- Between February and March 2025
For students not involved in the “Etudes en France” procedure:
European students follow the same processes as French students to register in a French higher education institution.
- Applying for a Licence 1: until March 2025 on the Parcoursup platform
- Applying for a Licence 2, Licence 3 or Master 2: until May 2025 on Espace Admission
- Applying for a Master 1: until March 2025 on the Mon Master platform
You are neither European nor in a country covered by the “Etudes en France” procedure:
Find out more about your situation here.
To contact Campus France in your residence country, click here.
If you have any questions, please ask Catherine BOUCHET :
Article edited the 19 November 2024
See also
International / Lille