
Launch of the report ‘Securing Citizenship’ by the FLD and Jindal Global Law School

The FLD is glad to invite you to the launch of the report ‘Securing Citizenship’, fruit of the collaboration between the FLD and Jindal Global Law School (New Delhi).

Tuesday 22nd March
From 10am-12pm on Zoom or RS113B

The event will be the opportunity to present the partnership agreement, signed in 2021 in a formal moment valorizing a common project. The report has been indeed drafted by FLD Masters students and Jindal students in 2020, under the guidance of Indian colleagues and international experts.

The Report « Securing Citizenship: India’s legal obligations towards precarious citizens and stateless persons raises an urgent call on India to affirm the nationality of the stateless and those at risk of statelessness, who deserve to fully and equally enjoy human rights deriving from nationality.

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Article édité le 15 mars 2022